✨ True Wealth with Betty ✨

How One Woman's Vision is Changing the Culture of a Nation - with Kate Valentine

Betty Cottam Bertels Season 3 Episode 3

Kate Valentine is the founder of the highly acclaimed non-profit Singing Mamas. She knows the transformative, healing power of singing together.
After tragic events and living through heart-breaking adversity, she had a vision, and she WENT FOR IT. (And the culture of our country is changing as a result of that. IF SHE CAN DO THIS SO CAN YOU - trust your vision!)

Her story is one of utter alchemy, and I adored every second of it. I hope you will too. 

  • How a teacher's harsh words put Kate off singing as a child
  • How Kate losing her brother as a child led her to become an intensive care nurse
  • Realising during the pandemic that she was going close to others’ trauma because she hadn’t resolved her own
  • The idea “You’re either a singer or you’re not” and the damage that does
  • How the burning of the witches has given women a fear of using our voices & shining
  • How Kate’s friend ‘set her up’ and Singing Mamas was born
  • Being a single mum to three sons, on benefits, working agency night shifts
  • The mental health crisis new mothers face 
  • The moment in the ICU when Kate decided to make Singing Mamas a reality
  • Betty reflects on the need to knit communities back together
  • Kate tells stories of some of the mothers’ experiences 
  • Overcoming competition; and the power of women coming together
  • Kate sings Cry Heart, But Do Not Break
  • How Kate encourages the singing mamas leaders to collaborate instead of compete
  • Where Singing Mamas is at now; being prescribed by the NHS
  • The research behind Singing Mamas that is raising the credibility even more & helping get funding
  • Kate on piloting a neonatal intensive care outreach program
  • Being a singer, without needing to be a ‘performance singer’
  • Performance & the false dichotomy between being an artist or being a consumer of art
  • Kate on reclaiming the identity of ‘singer’
  • Betty asks Kate about the science behind singing together as a means of lifting mood and decreasing stress & anxiety – as well as enhancing the connection between mother & baby
  • Kat

From Betty: Being in business means being visible. Being ethical in business means being authentic in how we present ourselves.

The trouble is… Many of us carry wounds around being seen, accepted, and celebrated as the individual we are. Left untended, these wounds divide our will, i.e. we end up with conflicted desires:

Part of us wants to be visible to grow our businesses, but another part of us is absolutely dead set on staying well and truly within the shadows…

…whether that means literally hiding under the duvet (I've been there 🥸),

…or whether that means pretending to be someone we are not, so as not to stand out (I've also been there 🤫).

Not only is this BORING, but also… it doesn't WORK:

When we hide our personality, we hide the exact aspects that enable our perfect fit clients to find us, so we end up with people that aren't really a good match, or worse, no one at all.

It's time to drop the shoulds and start being UNAPOLOGETIC in your business.

FB: Betty Cottam Bertels
IG: Betty_Cottam

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