✨ True Wealth with Betty ✨
Join Mindset Coach & Long-Term Student of the Mind, Betty Cottam Bertels for meandering and juicy conversations with friends, spiritual teachers and colleagues...
As she gets to grips with what it might mean to be 'truly wealthy' in this modern, technocratic age, in which social and familial division, fear, & isolation run rife.
Expect thoughtful, provoking conversation around the topic of whole-hearted responsibility & service, healing, belonging, creativity, the mind, and all things personal growth...
...with plenty of joy & laughter, too.
✨ True Wealth with Betty ✨
When Everything Falls Apart; Traver Boehm on The Lost Art of Initiation
Traver Boehm is the founder of the fastest growing men's movement in the world. He has given two TedTalks, and written two books (with another one on the way).
But most of all, he is such a joy. I am sure you will love listening to his story.
Greeting and how Betty & Traver met in London last year
Traver on how it all fell apart for him
Coming to view the falling apart as Initiation
Everything you want is on the other side of the falling apart
Therapies Traver tried; EMDR & Jungian Analysis
Sleepwalking through life
What do you really want?
The role of elders and other men
Rejecting ‘normal’; deciding to complete a dark retreat
Traver speak of his ‘Year to Live’ (inspired by the book by Stephen Levine)
Traver speaks of his experience of the dark retreat
How pain gets passed down from generation to generation
Unexpressed pain
Beyond competition: the magic of same-sex groups: men’s work & women’s work
Betty thanks Traver for the work he is doing in the world
Traver Boehm’s Website; Man Uncivilized: https://www.manuncivilized.com/meet-traver-boehm
The Uncivilized Podcast: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/49-days-in-the-pitch-dark/id1448906480?i=1000643347125
Traver’s Event in London on Saturday June 8th: https://www.manuncivilized.com/offers/bEJqsot9/checkout
From Betty:
Calling all ethically-driven entrepreneurs & change-makers! Do you know WHAT to do to grow your business... but feel 'blocked' when it comes to actually doing it?
If so... you don't need yet another business or marketing course.
What you need is... to figure out what is blocking you at a subconscious level...
And rewire it - to get your subconscious mind working for you instead of against you.
Book your gift session here:
FB: Betty Cottam Bertels
IG: Betty_Cottam
Music by Ahmad Mousavipour from Pixabay