✨ True Wealth with Betty ✨
Join Mindset Coach & Long-Term Student of the Mind, Betty Cottam Bertels for meandering and juicy conversations with friends, spiritual teachers and colleagues...
As she gets to grips with what it might mean to be 'truly wealthy' in this modern, technocratic age, in which social and familial division, fear, & isolation run rife.
Expect thoughtful, provoking conversation around the topic of whole-hearted responsibility & service, healing, belonging, creativity, the mind, and all things personal growth...
...with plenty of joy & laughter, too.
✨ True Wealth with Betty ✨
Steve James, Guru Viking: Drop Expectation & Experience the Wealth of the Present Moment
- Steve: Have no expectations.
- Steve explores passages that have brought him inspiration:
- Rudyard Kipling’s ‘If’, The Eight Worldly Dharmas; 2 Corinthians 6:8-10, The Story of Hakuin taken from the book ‘Zen Flesh, Zen Bones’, by Paul Reps
- Betty reads a quote from Steve, from a Pandemic Youtube teaching with Michaela Boehm; “Life is like a live jazz improvisation”
- Betty asks Steve about his & Michaela’s event in London
- Steve on teaching with Michaela; relationship, embodiment, meditation, intimacy, erotic friction
- Steve on the ways in which expectations and ‘shoulds’ obstruct enjoyment of ‘what is’
- Steve on his near-death experience. (Hear him tell the full story on the Awakening Consciousness Podcast here.)
- Steve on human beings’ tendency to be on auto-pilot in life & relationship; how we relate to our expectations rather than what we are actually seeing & experiencing in any given moment.
- Steve on music / learning an instrument
- Betty asks Steve which artists he listens to when he is happy. [Nicki Wells - When it Goes Quiet]
- Betty and Steve speak of Leonard Cohen & the meditation teacher Shinzen Young; [Leonard Cohen’s song Love itself]
- Steve: “Things don’t last”
- “Here, but deeper”; Betty tells the story of visiting Ffynone Falls; gateway to ‘Annwn’ the ‘Otherworld’ from Welsh folklore.
- Betty reads the description of Steve & Michaela’s workshop ‘Awakening the Pleasure Body’ on June 18th 2023 in London.
Link to Steve's Guru Viking website.
From Betty:
Calling all ethically-driven entrepreneurs & change-makers! Do you know WHAT to do to grow your business... but feel 'blocked' when it comes to actually doing it?
If so... you don't need yet another business or marketing course.
What you need is... to figure out what is blocking you at a subconscious level...
And rewire it - to get your subconscious mind working for you instead of against you.
Book your gift session here:
FB: Betty Cottam Bertels
IG: Betty_Cottam
Music by Ahmad Mousavipour from Pixabay